This week’s column we look at new trends. The OGP has published new guidelines for suppliers to the State. Here we focus on the first formal definition of the minimum…
This week’s column we look at new trends. The OGP has published new guidelines for suppliers to the State. Here we focus on the first formal definition of the minimum…
There is no point in any year where Irish companies do not have to make choices. Some choices sound bigger than others and can fall flat (Y2K anyone?) whilst others live…
We have changed to doing a monthly digest on procurement news stories from Ireland and around the world. This provides a better opportunity to follow the big trends whilst also…
Keystone Procurement is an advocate for full transparency in relation to publishing public expenditure data.* It remains the case that the majority of public contract values are not published in…
Welcome to the Keystone Column. This week: we take a broad perspective on allegations of fraud in Cavan County Council, the Garda Training College and examine how one FinTech firm…
Welcome to the Keystone Column. This week we look at Amsterdam’s dynamic sharing economy, the innovation principle and why it should be adopted in Ireland and the use of Building…
Popular images of negotiations come loaded with lazy tropes. The smoke filled rooms (years after smoking bans) still get rolled out as they convey a sense of shady deal-making and…
Welcome to the Keystone Column. This week we look at taxing questions that require new responses, trends in the world of the smart city and a global trend in tackling modern…
Consortiums and business growth on IFI projects: Once Britain leaves the EU, companies there will be unable to tender for European Commission-funded development work. Given that Brits currently win the…
We were delighted to be invited onto the Sunday Business Show on TodayFM to outline the opportunities for growth through international development projects. There is a limit to what can…